The Reason for Faith

The Reason for Faith

The memory of the heroes and heroisms of the olden time may be most instructive, if we regard them in their true light. One thing that impresses us is, how little God has promised to faith that it will be freed from difficulty and danger. It would be as easy to God to prevent the enemy coming as to give the victory over him. To do this would be infinite loss ; faith would never be called into exercise ; man would never learn to know either his God or himself as His child. Every trial accomplishes a double purpose. It gives us the opportunity of honoring God by the trust with which we wait on Him. And it gives God the opportunity of showing how faithful He is in watching over His child, and how truly He is working for him and in him. It is in trial that all the heart of the child is drawn out towards the father, in dependence and humility and trust. It is in trial that God can reveal in the opened heart of His child all the tenderness and all the saving power of His love. Without trial there could be no school of faith, no growth of spiritual character, no strength of will given up to God and clinging to Him. Let us bless God for every trial, small or great: it gives us a grand opportunity for putting the crown upon the head of God, and of being made fit that He crown us too. – Andrew Murray