Stay in the Know!
Flocknote is a great web based private communication app that will help keep you up to the minute on everything that is happening at Calvary Church! Since it is web based, you don't need to download an app from the app store! It can even send you information on your land-line if you don't have a cell phone!
CalvaryAK is a closed group, so ONLY Calvary Church information will come your way. No spam, no late night texts, or phone calls! If you want to join a particular group (like the Prayer Team) just let us know and we will place you on the team!
Be sure to fill out at least your name and phone number. If you want to recieve our newsletter (coming soon) or email for participation in events, please add your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.
There are two ways to join, and signing-up is free, quick, and easy:
You can text "calvaryak" to 84576 and it will take you directly to our signup page... or just click on the little fella' below and he will take you to the Calvaryak page to sign up!