September 15
If you have a desire to learn more about the Scripture or our church, join one of our Sunday school classes. Some classes go through a specific book of the Bible. If you’re new to our church, be sure to register for our New Members Class, which is offered once a quarter and will introduce you to the many ministries in our church.
No matter what your age is, we want to encourage you to check out a Sunday school class. Learning more about the Bible and how to live as a Christian isn’t just for kids–it’s for everyone.
September 15
Our Sunday service is contemporary mixed with traditional. It features praise songs and hymns. We participate in communion as a congregation on the last Sunday of each month.
September 18
Come and join us for a wonderful home cooked meal! We serve dinner a 6:00pm and Bible study begins at 6:30. It is a wonderful time of fellowship and digging deep into God's Word. We are currently studying The Gospel of Matthew.
September 29
On the last Sunday of each month, we participate in the Lord's Supper. It is a celebration for us as a congregation, done in anticipation of the great marriage supper of the Lamb!
December 24